Harley 1923/24 Rear #36-3b

Harley Davidson 1923/24 hinged Rear Fender by Vintage Steel

This is a faithful reproduction of the late 1923- early 1924 Harley Davidson hinged rear fender. It is of 2-piece description with the same short tail as the earlier model.  The finished width of the fender is 5.4” or 137mm. It has one riveted bracket in the tail, riveted custom made hinge, a cut-out in the left side for chain clearance and frame clearance pressings under the saddle. A kit including 2 loop stays , two laser-cut lower mounting non-symmetrical W brackets and solid rivets is included loose for more accurate fitting on the bike. There are subtle differences between years so please specify the exact details as you know them. Earlier (1906-23) and later (1924-34) models are also available, see links below.
Price as pictured (includes stay kit & rivets loose as shown) AU$1474 #36HARRF-3b

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